Sunday, May 23, 2004


i just got back from umass amherst where i saw my friend lytta (a daugher of the revolution) graduate....

Saturday, May 22, 2004

what is this all about i as my self....

why am i doing this... am i board? maybe... am i crazy, most defenilty...

who cares about what i write? i should.... im the only one that matters in the end isnt that right..

who can you count on..if you cant count on yourself....

i guess you could always just count on the count....

one! one! count!

Woo... Hoo?

John Woo movies are best when you know that they are John Woo moives.... dont you think? Posted by Hello

cant we all just get along? Posted by Hello

well i been thinking.....

a.k.a see what happens when i play....

so whats up?
i was felling constrained by the confinds of my got hate blog
i found that i liked to many things that i wanted to talk about and turning them into a negative was not working for me.

so im going to keep up my new blog " whosgotsomeblog" which i think is so funny but im sure noone else will....